Like deep Parma violets or blue lavender it is a wonderful 18th century colour used for colouring the inside of furniture- like the lining of a jacket - or for using with as the base with Paris Grey on top and distressed ' It is of course wonderful used as just on its own as here on this old desk. I have painted the interior red with Emperor's Silk but it could have been painted with Duck Egg Blue for a more toned land cooler effect.
ADD OLD WHITE-to make 'Schinkel'- Add 2 parts of Old White to 1 part of Old Violet and you get a greyed taupe I have called after a great 18th century German architect called Schinkel.
ADD MORE OLD WHITE - to make 'Colombe'- Add 8 parts of Old White to 1 part of Old Violet for a soft grey like the underbelly of a dove. We call this colour, Colombe.